Ani-Imo (GN 7)
Title: Ani-Imo
Volume: GN 7
Pages: 160
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2016-06-21
Suggested retail price: $13
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 0316272388
ISBN-13: 9780316272384
Despite all the trials he and Hikaru have endured, Youta realizes that, even as they abandon their brother and sister facade, the two have never been of a like mind about the changes in their relationship brought about by the changes in their physical bodies. Seeing Oda and Mayama's relationship blossom has only highlighted Youta's and Hikaru's failure to understand each other's feelings and desires. As Hikaru continues to test Youta's love, Youta struggles to meet her escalating demands and prove to her that he can be the man (in a girl's body) she wants him to be!
Story and art by Haruko Kurumatani.
(added on 2015-11-11, modified on 2015-11-11)
- Encyclopedia information about Ani-Imo (manga)