Bloody Cross (GN 9)

Volume: GN 9
Pages: 224
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2015-12-15
Suggested retail price: $13
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 0316352160
ISBN-13: 9780316352161
Nao's sacrifice has proven his loyalties once and for all, and in the smoldering wake of his subordinate's final effort, Tsuzuki must regroup and reassess before the next Crusade begins. The struggle to glean information from the prophecy books continues, and what the angel learns next casts a dark shadow over his campaign. Satsuki may not have been the worst of his enemies in the fray... and with Tsukimiya brainwashed, who will fight for Tsuzuki's cause?!
Story and art by Shiwo Komeyama.
(added on 2015-11-11, modified on 2015-11-11)
- Encyclopedia information about Bloody Cross (manga)