Ghost Hunt [UK] (GN 4)

Volume: GN 4
Pages: 192
Distributor: Tanoshimi
Release date: 2006-09-07
Suggested retail price: $5.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 0099504766
ISBN-13: 9780099504764
After a schoolboy's suicide, the team at Shibuya Psychic Research must unravel mysteries at a local high school. As fires break out in an empty office and a stinky smell sickens an entire classroom, the ghost hunters' job will take both courage and a strong stomach.
The team also investigates a church with a mysterious spirit that haunts only children, and - in a hilarious twist - Mai is possessed and thinks that Lin is her daddy. But laughs quickly turn to concern when Lin hides in the snow and cannot be found. Now it's very important that SPR saves him before he freezes to death!
(added on 2015-11-04, modified on 2015-11-04)
- Encyclopedia information about Ghost Hunt (manga)