Naruto: Sakura's Story (Novel)

Volume: Novel
Pages: 160
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2016-05-03
Suggested retail price: $10.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1421584425
ISBN-13: 9781421584423
The Great Ninja War did not only harm adults, but left many damaged children behind. Medical ninja Sakura travels the land, opening clinics dedicated to healing children of the mental trauma they experienced. She learns of a series of attacks against Konoha, and her investigation leads to an impossible conclusion: Sasuke is the terrorist mastermind behind them all! Using her skills and her heart, Sakura strives to clear Sasuke’s name and bring the real perpetrator to justice.
(added on 2015-09-16, modified on 2017-12-18)
- Encyclopedia information about Naruto: Sakura's Story (novel)