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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (eBook 13)

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Title: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Volume: eBook 13
Distributor: Yen Press

Release date: 2012-08-21
Suggested retail price: $6.99
Age rating: 16 - 18 Years

ISBN-13: 9780316218726 9780316218726


After months of squatting in the Literature Club's clubroom, the SOS Brigade puts pen to paper and starts writing some literature of their own! The Brigade has just one week to create a literature newsletter if they want to keep the Lit Club's space from being reallocated by the student council. As each member prepares his or her contribution, Supreme Editor in Chief Haruhi keeps a watchful eye on her team, especially as Kyon's assigned romance story unfolds!

(added on 2015-06-24, modified on 2015-06-24)

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