Blood+ (eBook 4 of 5)

Volume: eBook 4 / 5
Running time: 208
Distributor: Dark Horse Comics
Release date: 2015-03-11
Suggested retail price: $9.99
ISBN-13: 9781630083755
In this volume, the dreadful Diva sends her Chevalier to kidnap Riku, Saya's adoptive brother, from the Red Shield's ocean-liner headquarters. New secrets from Saya's and Hagi's past lives are revealed, as their�present�situation gets more complicated. Finding a way to make Saya go berserk and turn into a nearly unstoppable killing machine, Diva intends to pit her against her own friends and those she seeks shelter with . . . and this is just the first step in Diva's ultimate plan to turn all humans into Chiropteran monsters! With Kai and Hagi at her side, Saya fights Diva's forces as well as her own bloodlust. While the mysteries surrounding the Red Shield have come to light, more questions and villains arise when the Cinq Fléche organization unleashes its disturbing Corpse Corps. Dark Horse Manga's�Blood+�series heads into its violent, pulse-pounding home stretch!
(added on 2015-04-18, modified on 2015-04-18)
- Encyclopedia information about Blood+ (manga)