Blood+ (eBook 3 of 5)

Volume: eBook 3 / 5
Running time: 200
Distributor: Dark Horse Comics
Release date: 2015-03-11
Suggested retail price: $9.99
ISBN-13: 9781630083748
This third,�pivotal�volume reveals one of the biggest secrets in the�Blood+�mythos-but you'll have to wade through plenty of violence, betrayal, and sacrifice before you get there. Hagi shows just how resilient he can be, Kai is as stubborn and reckless as ever, and confused, sweet Riku is once again in the wrong place at the wrong time. Speaking of time, this volume also features a longer flashback sequence that takes us to the 1800's and another violent episode in Saya's curious, catastrophic life! A brutal skirmish, eye-popping gore, and some enlightening flashbacks open this central volume to the�Blood+�manga series, as Saya faces her brutal tormentor Charles head on.
(added on 2015-03-31, modified on 2015-03-31)
- Encyclopedia information about Blood+ (manga)