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Case Closed - Deadly Illusions (DVD 4.1)

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Title: Case Closed - Deadly Illusions
Volume: DVD 4.1
Running time: 62
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2004-08-24
Suggested retail price: $19.98
Age rating: 13+

SKU: FN-07812
UPC: 704400078125 704400078125

While taking in the scenery away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, Conan, Richard, and Rachel stumble into the middle of a grisly ancient legend. The terrible Mist Goblin has struck again! Without any hard evidence, it looks as though the Mist Goblin has yet again committed the perfect crime. Or is it so perfect after all?

The search for clues pointing to the men who shrunk Jimmy's body continues as Conan, with Detective Moore in tow, investigates a strange crime with a most unusual murder weapon. When all the facts are gathered, one truth prevails!

053 - The Mist Goblin Murder (Part 1)
054 - The Mist Goblin Murder (Part 2)
055 - Weapon of Choice

Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.

Contains episodes 52 and 53 of the original Japanese run.

(added on 2004-05-04, modified on 2004-05-04)

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