Yashakiden: The Demon Princess [Omnibus] (Novel 1)
Title: Yashakiden: The Demon Princess [Omnibus]
Volume: Novel 1
Pages: 288
Distributor: Digital Manga Publishing
Release date: 2009-12-16
Suggested retail price: $13.95
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 1569701458
ISBN-13: 9781569701454
After a devastating earthquake that left most of Japan in ruins, the district ward of Shinjuku in Tokyo has opened up a doorway into another dimension, becoming a halfway-house suspended between the mortal world and the supernatural.
Setsura Aki, undercover P.I., is considered the best "man hunter" in the business. He allies himself with friend and rival Doctor Mephisto, a wizard of physical and spiritual surgery. Together, they battle the evil forces that overrun the city.
Coming from the deepest and darkest parts of China, four immortal demons, led by the Princess of Vampires, have surmounted four thousand years of space and time to seize control of Shinjuku and make it their own. It is up to Setsura and Mephisto to uncover their new formidable foes' dark plans for the city. Can the duo stop them before they plunge the living populace into a new level of fear and slavery none can escape?
Story by Hideyuki Kikuchi and Art by Jun Suemi.
(added on 2015-01-03, modified on 2015-01-03)
- Encyclopedia information about Yashakiden: The Demon Princess (novel)