Mikansei No. 1 (eBook 1)

Volume: eBook 1
Running time: 193
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2014-12-23
Suggested retail price: $4.99
ISBN-13: 9781421581651
You know what they say: If the century fits, then...travel back in time to become a pop-singing sensation! Vivacious Neo loves to sing and test the boundaries of 23rd-century modesty with her short, short skirts. When she accidently time-travels back to the 21st century, it's time to sink or sing! Before she knows it, she's teamed up with the handsome Saya as half of the ultimate singing duo. But all her dreams may vanish if they can't put on one great concert. With Saya depending on her, will Neo keep time on her side?
(added on 2014-12-31, modified on 2014-12-31)
- Encyclopedia information about Mikansei No. 1 (manga)