Pokémon XY (GN 2)
Title: Pokémon XY
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 112
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2015-03-03
Suggested retail price: $4.99
Age rating: ALL
ISBN-10: 1421578344
ISBN-13: 9781421578347
X, Y, and their best friends battle to rescue X's kidnapped Li'l Kanga from the clutches of Team Flare. Who can they trust? To protect themselves, the group of friends make an oath to follow five basic rules. Meanwhile, the secrets behind Mega Evolution unfold... Now what can make X smile...?
Story by Hidenori Kusaka and Art by Satoshi Yamamoto.
(added on 2014-12-27, modified on 2014-12-27)
- Encyclopedia information about Pokémon XY (manga)