Pokémon Adventures - Emerald (GN 27)
Title: Pokémon Adventures - Emerald
Volume: GN 27
Pages: 208
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2015-03-03
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: ALL
ISBN-10: 1421535610
ISBN-13: 9781421535616
When a mysterious armored villain in search of the Wish Pokemon Jirachi attacks Noland, Emerald is the prime suspect! Jirachi grants wishes, but only awakens every one thousand years for seven days. How can Emerald and the Frontier Brains prevent Jirachi's power from falling into the wrong hands?!
Story by Hidenori Kusaka and Art by Satoshi Yamamoto.
(added on 2014-12-26, modified on 2014-12-26)
- Encyclopedia information about Pokémon Adventures (manga)