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Ikki Tousen - Legendary Fighter + Artbox [Limited Edition] (DVD 1 of 4)

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Title: Ikki Tousen - Legendary Fighter + Artbox [Limited Edition]
Volume: DVD 1 / 4
Running time: 100
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.

Release date: 2004-08-10
Suggested retail price: $44.98
Age rating: 16+

SKU: 12233
UPC: 013023223394 013023223394

Contains Ikki-tosen DVD 1 plus a high-quality Limited Edition Artbox,​ a gorgeous pencil-board,​ a magatama bead and a towel!

Once again blood flows in the streets of Kanto.​ The eternal fate that has been handed down for over 1800 years is now being fought by ancient warriors who have been reincarnated into the students of the seven top schools.​

One such student,​ Hakufu Sonsaku,​ arrives on the scene and is rumored to be the legendary Shou-Haou (The one who is said to be the one to defeat many in battle). But can this blonde air-head with the overly-endowed assets actually be the legendary Shou-Haou?​

DVD Features: Non-Credit Opening Animation,​ Full Color Art Gallery,​ Hidden Out-takes.​

Spoken Languages: English,​ Japanese,​ English Subtitles.​

(added on 2004-04-16, modified on 2004-04-16)

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