Apple and Honey: His Rose Colored Life (GN)

Volume: GN
Pages: 200
Distributor: Digital Manga Publishing
Release date: 2014-11-11
Suggested retail price: $12.95
Age rating: 18+
ISBN-10: 1569703310
ISBN-13: 9781569703311
Natsuki Matsuda, twenty years old, has proudly identified as gay since age fifteen. Then Komano, nineteen years old, comes into his life. He's always been popular with the ladies, but he's a free spirit who cannot be tamed - by man or woman! This is the story of their love. Can Natsuki handle Komano's bohemian nature in the long haul or will jealousy and possessiveness get the best of him?
Story and art by Hideyoshico.
(added on 2014-08-27, modified on 2014-08-27)
- Encyclopedia information about Apple and Honey: His Rose Colored Life (manga)