In Clothes Called Fat (GN)

Volume: GN
Pages: 264
Distributor: Vertical
Release date: 2014-07-08
Suggested retail price: $13.95
Age rating: NR
ISBN-10: 1939130433
ISBN-13: 9781939130433
Noko appears to be living a great life, she's got a good job and a loving boyfriend, but beneath a thin veneer is a young woman who is struggling with her self-image and self-confidence as she fights to keep her weight down. To Noko, being 5 pounds overweight means being miles away from happiness in her lovelife and in her work-place.
Story and art by Moyoco Anno.
(added on 2014-06-24, modified on 2014-06-24)
- Reviewed by Rebecca Silverman (October 25, 2014)
- Encyclopedia information about In Clothes Called Fat (manga)