Tokyo Mew Mew [Omnibus] (eBook 2 of 3)

Volume: eBook 2 / 3
Distributor: Kodansha Comics
Release date: 2014-04-01
Suggested retail price: $14.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1612628826
ISBN-13: 9781612628820
On a quest to discover the Mew Aqua, a powerful element that can purify anything contaminated, our favorite female fighting force - Tokyo Mew Mew - discover much more than they bargained for! Will they be able to retrieve Mew Aqua - or will they end up all wet? New adventures and romances are just around the corner in this stunning collection of stories from Tokyo Mew Mew volumes 3 & 4! Includes special extras after the story!
(added on 2014-03-30, modified on 2014-03-30)
- Encyclopedia information about Tokyo Mew Mew (manga)