Sailor Moon - Return of Sailor Moon (Dub.VHS 11 of 20)
Title: Sailor Moon - Return of Sailor Moon
Volume: Dub.VHS 11 / 20
Running time: 100
Distributor: ADV Films
Release date: 2001-09-11
Suggested retail price: $12.98
Age rating: ALL
SKU: VMN-011
UPC: 702727073731
Queen Beryl may have been defeated, but there’s still plenty of evil for Sailor Moon to fight.
After a brief period as a normal teenager, Serena finds herself forced back into duty as the Earth’s protector when the horrifying Doom Tree comes to our world to gather energy from unsuspecting humans. But now that the other Sailor Scouts have lost their memories, Sailor Moon will have to protect Mankind all by herself!
This is the EDITED TV Version of the show.
(added on 2001-08-09, modified on 2001-10-01)
- Encyclopedia information about Sailor Moon R (TV)