Goong - The Royal Palace (eBook 14)

Volume: eBook 14
Running time: 180
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2013-09-24
Suggested retail price: $6.99
Age rating: 13 - 18 Years
ISBN-13: 9780316282383
Crown Prince Shin must plot to keep and strengthen his royal position, as his father, the king, seeks to right a past wrong by depriving Shin of his title. And when his father reveals to Shin the truth of how he came to power, the house of cards upon which the king has built his authority begins to tumble in earnest, for the palace walls have ears...and they all seem to belong to Yul! Despite the announcement of Yul's own engagement, this erstwhile crown prince and opportunistic keeper of royal secrets will do anything it takes to steal Chae-Kyung away from Shin...even if it means using his own family's indiscretions to do so!
(added on 2013-09-25, modified on 2013-09-25)
- Encyclopedia information about Goong - The Royal Palace (manhwa)