Tiger & Bunny the Movie: The Beginning - Side B (GN 2 of 2)
Title: Tiger & Bunny the Movie: The Beginning - Side B
Volume: GN 2 / 2
Pages: 160
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2013-10-08
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1421560763
ISBN-13: 9781421560762
In the city of Stern Bild, superpowered heroes known as NEXT fight crime while promoting their corporate sponsors for the hit TV show HERO TV. Veteran hero WILD TIGER has years of experience fighting crime, but when his ratings slip he's forced to team up with BARNABY BROOKS JR., a rookie hero with and attitude. Part 2 of this two-volume adaptation of the Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning animated film introduces you to the exciting world and characters of Tiger & Bunny!
Story by Sunrise and Art by Tsutomu Oono.
(added on 2013-09-20, modified on 2013-09-20)
- Encyclopedia information about Tiger & Bunny the Movie: The Beginning (manga)