One Thousand and One Nights (GN 7)

Volume: GN 7
Pages: 176
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2009-04-21
Suggested retail price: $10.99
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 0759531250
ISBN-13: 9780759531253
With Shahryar lured away from Baghdad, Sehara is left to defend the palace against the Crusaders with his silver tongue. This night, his tale spans the ages, taking on an unexpectedly modern twist. Will Sultan Shahryar and his companions return in time to save the city... and Sehara?!
Story by Jeon JinSeok and art by Han SeungHee.
(added on 2013-05-26, modified on 2017-02-26)
- Encyclopedia information about One Thousand and One Nights (manhwa)