Pandora Hearts (GN 18)

Volume: GN 18
Pages: 192
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2013-10-29
Suggested retail price: $11.99
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 0316239755
ISBN-13: 9780316239752
The tragedy that befell a bustling city a hundred years earlier. Eyes of ill omen. Stone seals. The warped gears that have continued turning since long ago play out a requiem for one who was much loved. The solemn sound of the dirge colors the world that hears its notes a melancholy gray... as though it was always meant to be...
Story and art by Jun Mochizuki.
(added on 2013-04-29, modified on 2013-04-29)
- Encyclopedia information about Pandora Hearts (manga)