Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Goemon the Good (DVD 1 of 5)
Title: Legend of the Mystical Ninja - Goemon the Good
Volume: DVD 1 / 5
Running time: 125
Distributor: ADV Films
Release date: 2003-12-30
Suggested retail price: $19.98
Age rating: 13+
SKU: DGO-001
UPC: 702727053122
A god of unparalleled evil lurks at the edge of the Game World. This vile creature, Makuamuuge, declares a revolt against the Game World and sends his loyal and steadfast foot soldiers into the Human World to unleash his master plan. Only by twisting the very nature of the Human World can they bring about the total victory of evil.
Confronted by a worthy adversary, they are forced to resort to ever more malicious tactics. The fearless and noble Goeman from Game World's lost city of Edo, the protector of all that is good, may have the strength, the will and the sweet rice balls to prevail over this insidious threat.
DVD Features: Previews.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.
(added on 2003-11-21, modified on 2003-11-21)
- Encyclopedia information about Legend of the Mystical Ninja (TV)