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Excel Saga (eBook 20 of 27)

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Title: Excel Saga
Volume: eBook 20 / 27
Running time: 205
Distributor: Viz Media

Release date: 2013-03-12
Suggested retail price: $4.99
Age rating: 17+

ISBN-10: 1421562006 1421562006
ISBN-13: 9781421562001 9781421562001

Guess who's back…back again…Excel's back…tell a friend! But of course, there are still two Excels…and still two bombs rigged to blow ILL headquarters sky-high! Even though her memory of her old self has returned, Excel's recollection of her time as "Teriha" remains unclear…yet contains clues she and Elgala will need as they target the impostor. Plus there's no welcome back for either of them--just the same pursuit and poverty. Fortunately, if there's one thing ACROSS agents know how to do, it's hustle for cash--with a gig as shrine maidens that's simply sacrilicious!

(added on 2013-03-22, modified on 2013-03-22)

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