Excel Saga (eBook 19 of 27)
Title: Excel Saga
Volume: eBook 19 / 27
Running time: 207
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2013-03-05
Suggested retail price: $4.99
Age rating: 17+
ISBN-10: 1421561956
ISBN-13: 9781421561950
Usually Elgala knows too little...but now she knows too much! Sent out by her Lord to live as a fugitive on the streets of Fukuoka, the poor purple-haired girl is back to the kind of homeless lifestyle she used to whine about with Seniors Excel and Hyatt--but now, she's all alone...except for, awww, a small white doggy. Somewhere on those same streets is the person Elgala insists exists...the real Excel. But Excel doesn't know who she is--and is she becoming so much a part of the Shiouji family that contentment will trump conquest?
(added on 2013-02-27, modified on 2013-02-27)
- Encyclopedia information about Excel Saga (manga)