Excel Saga (eBook 17 of 27)
Title: Excel Saga
Volume: eBook 17 / 27
Running time: 205
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2013-03-05
Suggested retail price: $4.99
Age rating: 17+
ISBN-10: 1421561638
ISBN-13: 9781421561639
It's a nonstop neurotic cabaret as Excel/Teriha is targeted for assassination and kidnapping--in that order! As Umi attempts to find her amnesiac friend safe employment in a maid café, two things are beginning to return: her memory and Dr. Kabapu's health. But just as "Teriha"'s past is coming back to her in strange bits and pieces, the Doctor is no longer the ruthless man he once was, but a kindly old gent who's discovered the true meaning of--and that's all the spoilers we have time for now.
(added on 2013-02-27, modified on 2013-02-27)
- Encyclopedia information about Excel Saga (manga)