The Prince of Tennis (eBook 30)

Volume: eBook 30
Running time: 181
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2013-03-05
Suggested retail price: $4.99
Age rating: 12 - 15 Years
ISBN-13: 9781421561530
The Boys from OkinawaAs the match between Ryoma and Higa's giant Kei Tanishi continues, it's apparent to everyone that Tanishi is in control of the game--to everyone except Ryoma, that is. Higa continues to dominate in No. 2 Doubles, with Taka and Shusuke paired up against Hiroshi Chinen and Rin Hirakoba. Now Seishun's hopes rest on whether Shusuke can figure out how to effectively counter Rin's lethal "Habu" shot.
(added on 2013-02-27, modified on 2013-02-27)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Prince of Tennis (manga)