Excel Saga (eBook 2 of 27)
Title: Excel Saga
Volume: eBook 2 / 27
Running time: 203
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2012-05-21
Suggested retail price: $4.99
Age rating: 17+
ISBN-10: 1421551985
ISBN-13: 9781421551982
Excel and Hyatt's nice, normal, next door neighbors Watanabe, Iwata, and Sumiyoshi are just a bunch of regular guys--who are about to start suffering from Excel Saga's chronic irregularity. The mysterious Dr. Kabapu and his devastating secretary Matsuya have recruited these jobless youth for the Environmental Security Administration--to be among the few (the five, actually), the proud, the protectors of Fukuoka. What are the odds that this joy will bring them in conflict with Excel and Hyatt, who just happen to work for their own, rival, scantily-staffed covert organization...dedicated to taking Fukuoka over? Exactly five to two in favor!
(added on 2013-01-28, modified on 2013-01-28)
- Encyclopedia information about Excel Saga (manga)