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InuYasha - First Season Set [Repackage] (DVD)

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Title: InuYasha - First Season Set [Repackage]
Volume: DVD
Running time: 675
Distributor: Viz Media

Release date: 2012-11-13
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+

UPC: 782009242390 782009242390

Kagome Higurashi, an average ninth grader, gets pulled into an ancient well by a demon, bringing her 500 years in the past to the feudal era. There, she meets Inuyasha, a half-demon who seeks the Shikon Jewel to make himself a full-fledged demon. With Inuyasha and new friends, Kagome's search for the Jewel of Four Souls begins...

Contains episodes 1-27.

Special Features: Line Art allery, Textless Opening and Ending, Promotional Reel, Japanese Television Spots.

Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.

(added on 2012-10-04, modified on 2013-01-03)

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Amazon $8.40 Inuyasha Season 1 (Rpkg)
Barnes and Noble $24.99 Inu Yasha: Season 1 [5 Discs]
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DVD Empire $17.99 Inu-Yasha: First Season Box Set (Repackage)
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Right Stuf Anime $22.48 Inu Yasha Season 1 DVD
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