Ranma 1/2 [1st Ed] (GN 11)

Volume: GN 11
Pages: 184
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 1998-06-04
Suggested retail price: $15.95
Age rating: 14+
ISBN-10: 1569312915
ISBN-13: 9781569312919
Whenever male martial artist Ranma gets splashed with cold water he becomes a buxom young girl! Now, Ranma's arch-rival Ryoga has discovered how to reverse the transformation. But before Ranma can learn the secret, his strength is sapped by evil sensei Happosai. Is he doomed to spend his life being beaten up by infants and little old ladies?
(added on 2012-10-01, modified on 2012-10-01)
- Encyclopedia information about Ranma ½ (manga)