FreshMen (GN)

Volume: GN
Pages: 176
Distributor: Aurora Publishing, Inc.
Release date: 2008-11-15
Suggested retail price: $12.95
Age rating: 18+
ISBN-10: 1934496464
ISBN-13: 9781934496466
College freshman Takayuki Saitou, faints into the arms of a sophomore student during the school's entrance ceremony from too much partying the previous night. Not knowing this, all the sophomore, Hitoshi Satou, sees is a fragile boy fresh out of high school that needs looking after. Unfortunately for him, it turns out Saitou is "fresh" in more ways than he can handle!
Story and art by Yuya.
(added on 2012-09-21, modified on 2012-09-21)
- Encyclopedia information about FreshMen (manga)