GTO: 14 Days in Shonan (GN 9)

Volume: GN 9
Pages: 192
Distributor: Vertical
Release date: 2013-05-28
Suggested retail price: $10.95
Age rating: 17+
ISBN-10: 1935654632
ISBN-13: 9781935654636
After cracking down on troubled teens in his own school, Eikichi (aka GTO) goes home to the peaceful shores of Shonan to relax and escape the stresses of modern-day Tokyo. However, much like communities across the globe, even his hometown has not escaped the declining state of child services. In typical form, GTO decides to personally provide hard-knocks education to his old neighborhood with hopes of putting a group of troubled teens back on the track towards happiness.
Story and art by Tohru Fujisawa.
(added on 2012-09-05, modified on 2012-09-05)
- Encyclopedia information about GTO: 14 Days in Shonan (manga)