HeroMan (GN 4)

Volume: GN 4
Pages: 192
Distributor: Vertical
Release date: 2013-04-30
Suggested retail price: $10.95
Age rating: 10+
ISBN-10: 1935654675
ISBN-13: 9781935654674
The Skrugg invasion has been repelled thanks to the efforts of Earth's new heroes - Joey and Heroman. So for Joey and Lina it may now appear as if life should soon go back to normal in Center City... Well, not so fast! If Joey's rocker big sister Holly wasn't enough of a troublemaker, a new form of home-grown terror has emerged. And they may be working with National Intelligence!!
(added on 2012-09-03, modified on 2012-09-03)
- Encyclopedia information about HeroMan (manga)