Book Girl and the Undine Who Bore a Moonflower (eBook 6 of 8)

Volume: eBook 6 / 8
Running time: 240
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2013-01-22
Suggested retail price: $7.99
Age rating: 13 - 18 Years
ISBN-13: 9780316245968
"I've been kidnapped by a bad person. Bring a change of clothes and your homework and come save me." With an SOS like that from Tohko, Konoha is forced to spend his summer break at the Himekura villa writing snacks for her. But the shadow of a tragedy eighty years ago creeps up on them. "A young lady," "a student," and "a ghoul." The actors are all ready, the stage is set, and everything is headed toward destruction once again. Maki set it all in motion, but what is it that she hopes to achieve? What is the "secret" that jolts the Book Girl's heart with her own imagination? The special edition of Book Girl that sketches out a dreamlike summer!
(added on 2012-08-30, modified on 2012-08-30)
- Encyclopedia information about Book Girl (light novel)