Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety (DVD 3 of 3)
Title: Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety
Volume: DVD 3 / 3
Running time: 80
Distributor: AN Entertainment
Release date: 2003-11-04
Suggested retail price: $29.95
Age rating: ALL
UPC: 828311121029
ISBN-10: 0974154520
ISBN-13: 9780974154527
The apprentice angel Safety relates the story of how she became a friend to a giant monster. The unusual love triangle between Lani the Pomeranian, Safety the apprentice angel and Risky the apprentice death spirit is resolved. And in the climactic four episode story arc, Risky and Safety, the opposing forces of good and evil, must join forces to struggle against the hands of fate that literally come to bear on Moe & Yuya, threatening to split the couple apart forever...
DVD Features: Dub Outtakes, Extensive Translation Notes Included on the Disc and as Printed Liner Notes, Textless Ending animation, and a Reversible "Risky side" and "Safety side" Cover.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.
(added on 2003-09-05, modified on 2003-09-05)
- Reviewed in Shelf Life (November 7, 2003)
- Encyclopedia information about Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety (TV)