Astro Boy (GN 8)

Volume: GN 8
Pages: 200
Distributor: Dark Horse Comics
Release date: 2002-10-25
Suggested retail price: $9.95
Age rating: ALL
ISBN-10: 1569717915
ISBN-13: 9781569717912
Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy has for fifty years represented the best in all-ages graphic fiction and is regarded universally as the launching pad for the worldwide manga and anime explosion. Filled with humor, action, drama, and humanity -- not to mention robots! -- Astro Boy will remind you why comics first grabbed your heart and imagination. In this volume, Astro remains stranded in the 20th century, but he's certainly not laying about! Astro must save the Earth from a voracious Martian fungus -- and save the intelligent organism from the hydrogen bomb -- all the while having to begin the fight for robot's rights and to keep robots from fighting each other!
(added on 2012-02-15, modified on 2012-02-15)
- Encyclopedia information about Astro Boy (manga)