Record of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch (GN 1 of 3)

Volume: GN 1 / 3
Pages: 224
Distributor: Central Park Media
Release date: 2004-05-28
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13 - 17 Years
UPC: 719987006140
ISBN-10: 1586649256
ISBN-13: 9781586649258
Parn, the strong-headed fighter. Deedlit, the young and haughty elf. Ghim, the grizzled Dwarf. Etoh, the young priest. Slayn, the sorcerer. And Woodchuck, the thief. These six must again unite as the evil of the Grey Witch permeates all of Lodoss Island!
(added on 2012-02-14, modified on 2012-02-14)
- Encyclopedia information about Record of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch (manga Yoshihiko Ochi)