Digimon: Digital Monsters - The Emperor's Last Stand (Dub.VHS 7)
Title: Digimon: Digital Monsters - The Emperor's Last Stand
Volume: Dub.VHS 7
Running time: 80
Distributor: Buena Vista Home Entertainment / Disney
Release date: 2002-01-29
Suggested retail price: $14.99
Age rating: nr
UPC: 786936180497
A collection of the outrageous DIGIMON cartoon series. The digital monsters try to take over the evil human boy ruler of the digital world they inhabit. They combat the emperor with cute, cuddly pets shifting into fierce monsters through the use of the digiball. All the favorite DIGIMON characters appear in this action packed video.
(added on 2011-12-17, modified on 2011-12-17)
- Encyclopedia information about Digimon Adventure 02 (TV)