Digimon: Digital Monsters - A New Digitude (Dub.VHS 6)
Title: Digimon: Digital Monsters - A New Digitude
Volume: Dub.VHS 6
Running time: 70
Distributor: Buena Vista Home Entertainment / Disney
Release date: 2002-01-29
Suggested retail price: $14.99
Age rating: nr
UPC: 786936180541
The kids have been in Digiworld for a long time with many ups and downs, but they may now be facing their greatest enemy yet in the person of the Digimon Emperor, who hunts down Digimon and makes them his slaves. The kids must round up a new gang to help fight this massive threat and save Digiworld.
(added on 2011-12-17, modified on 2011-12-17)
- Encyclopedia information about Digimon Adventure 02 (TV)