Steel Angel Kurumi (GN 2)
Title: Steel Angel Kurumi
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 172
Distributor: ADV Manga
Release date: 2004-01-11
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 18 years
ISBN-10: 1413900127
ISBN-13: 9781413900125
Young Nakahito kissed the Steel Angel Kurumi, and ended up with a lovely and very devoted robot companion who just happens to be a lethal warrior as well. And if that's not complicated enough, more Steel Angels are showing up! There's the friendly Saki, and the not-at-all friendly Kalinka, who has two Steel Angel hearts. Beating her will take everything Kurumi and Saki can muster, and she's not the only new Angel in Steel Angel Kurumi Volume 2!
(added on 2011-11-24, modified on 2011-11-24)
- Encyclopedia information about Steel Angel Kurumi (manga)