Sundome (GN 7)

Volume: GN 7
Pages: 208
Distributor: Yen Press
Release date: 2010-08-17
Suggested retail price: $12.99
Age rating: 17+
ISBN-10: 0316102350
ISBN-13: 9780316102353
The annual festival marks the end of summer vacation; the last summer vacation Hideo will ever spend with Kurumi. It's the last for the ex-prez as well, who will graduate at the end of the year. Eager to prove he still has leadership potential, the ex-prez pushes for one more Roman Club field trip. This time, Hideo and Kurumi aren't the only ones exploring each other in the dark...
Story and art by Kazuto Okada.
(added on 2010-06-11, modified on 2010-06-11)
- Encyclopedia information about Sundome (manga)