Itazura Na Kiss (GN 3)

Volume: GN 3
Pages: 300
Distributor: Digital Manga Publishing
Release date: 2010-07-21
Suggested retail price: $16.95
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1569701717
ISBN-13: 9781569701713
Kotoko can't believe that her beloved Naoki is moving out of the family house! He's told their parents that he needs to live like an adult and make his own decisions, but how will Kotoko clean up her messes without his (constant) help? Does this spell the end of Kotoko's unrequited love...or will she step up to the challenge of winning her dream man's heart once and for all?
Story and art by Kaoru Tada.
(added on 2010-06-11, modified on 2011-11-30)
- Encyclopedia information about Itazura na Kiss (manga)