Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! (GN 8)
Title: Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!
Volume: GN 8
Pages: 192
Distributor: Viz Media
Release date: 2010-11-02
Suggested retail price: $7.99
Age rating: ALL
ISBN-10: 1421536714
ISBN-13: 9781421536712
If Hareta and his new rival Koya can't agree on how to rescue Cyrus and a group of mind-controlled Pokemon, they might never get saved! Then Koya is attacked by a long-lost Pokemon friend... And when Hareta finally gets his chance to battle the legendary Pokemon Giratina, two unexpected allies arrive to fight by his side!
(added on 2010-06-11, modified on 2010-06-11)
- Encyclopedia information about Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! (manga)