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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Part 2 (DVD 2 of 5)

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Title: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Part 2
Volume: DVD 2 / 5
Running time: 320
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2010-08-24
Suggested retail price: $49.98
Age rating: 14+

SKU: FN-08263
UPC: 704400082634 704400082634

The path to the Philosopher's Stone now enters unfamiliar territory, as the Elrics face exotic strangers who use alkahestry, a version of alchemy native to the distant kingdom of Xing. As insight is gained into the secret world of the Homunculi and their enigmatic creator, Lust feels the fires of Mustang's rage in battle - and the outcome of the clash will shock you. Winry endures the trial of her life when new horrors of the Ishvalan massacre are revealed.

Contains episodes 14-26.

Special Features: Episode 14 Commentary, Episode 23 Commentary, Textless Opening Song, Textless Closing Song, Trailers.

Spoken Languages: English (5.1), Japanese (2.0), English subtitles.

Video: 16:9 Widescreen.

(added on 2010-05-01, modified on 2010-05-01)

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