Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety (DVD 2 of 3)
Title: Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety
Volume: DVD 2 / 3
Running time: 80
Distributor: AN Entertainment
Release date: 2003-10-14
Suggested retail price: $29.95
Age rating: ALL
UPC: 828311121012
ISBN-10: 0974154512
ISBN-13: 9780974154510
Risky Safety takes the tale of apprentice shinigami Risky and angel in training Safety from the distant age of legend to the farthest reaches of outer space! Risky and Safety narrate the fiery conclusion of Fazzy's story. Moe and Yuya deepen their relationship with a vision from Koiuji, the guardian goddess of the Love Love Shrine. Risky tempts Yuya's classmate Mitsuki in an elegant and artistic silent film episode. And at last, the backdrop of Japanese fairy tales plays host to the epic story of how the unlikely pairing of an angel and a devil in a single body came to be.
DVD Features: dub out-takes, extensive translation notes, non-credit ending animation footage, a reversible "Risky side" and "Safety side" DVD cover, and a bonus gallery of attractive and colorful fan created artwork.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2003-07-01, modified on 2003-09-12)
- Reviewed by Paul Fargo (April 28, 2004)
- Encyclopedia information about Omishi Magical Theater Risky Safety (TV)