The Black Mail II: The Animation - 3rd Stage (DVD 3 of 3)
Title: The Black Mail II: The Animation - 3rd Stage
Volume: DVD 3 / 3
Running time: 30
Distributor: NuTech Digital
Release date: 2002-07-16
Suggested retail price: $19.95
Age rating: 18+
SKU: NDI-617
UPC: 064572156176
During their honeymoon, Aska and Ryosuke are invited to a masquerade party. Forced into a bunny costume by Yumiko, Aska ends up being gang-banged by the men at the masquerade party in front of her brand new husband.
On Yumiko's command, a girl that looks just like Miku appears in front of Ryosuke to seduce him... Will Ryosuke to seduce him... Will Ryosuke be able to resist the temptation? Meanwhile, Sakura and Miku are caught in a web of a torrid plan gone wrong by Aya.
DVD Features: Photo Gallery, Trailers.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
Sometimes mis-identified as UPC 645721561760
(added on 2010-02-03)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Black Mail II - The Animation (OAV)