The Black Mail II: The Animation - 2nd Stage (DVD 2 of 3)
Title: The Black Mail II: The Animation - 2nd Stage
Volume: DVD 2 / 3
Running time: 30
Distributor: NuTech Digital
Release date: 2002-07-16
Suggested retail price: $19.95
Age rating: 18+
SKU: NDI-616
UPC: 064572156169
On the way to her honeymoon, Aska finds that she is being followed by both Yumiko and sadistic Sekine. Her new husband, Ryosuke, is unaware of the hideous trap unfolding around him and his new bride.
The recurring, perverse nightmares will soon creep back into her life with amazing force! Back home, the stage is being set for unimaginable acts involving her mother, Sakura. A shocking plot involving Aska's friends, Aya and Tamami, are about to burst into overdrive...
DVD Features: Photo Gallery, Trailers.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2010-02-03)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Black Mail II - The Animation (OAV)