The Black Mail II: The Animation - 1st Stage (DVD 1 of 3)
Title: The Black Mail II: The Animation - 1st Stage
Volume: DVD 1 / 3
Running time: 30
Distributor: NuTech Digital
Release date: 2002-07-16
Suggested retail price: $19.95
Age rating: 18+
SKU: NDI-615
UPC: 064572156152
Aska is excited about her upcoming wedding to her boyfriend, Ryosuke. Her friends, Aya and Tamami, seem excited for her. Howerver, a dark plot is unfolding around the seemingly happy couple... Aska is on her way to a blissful honeymoon when she is abducted by strange men.
Unable to get away, she is taken to their headquarters, where torrid, unspeakable acts are taking place. There, she meets the beautiful debutante, Reika, and they are forced into degrading, masochistic acts of shocking depravity. Yumiko, a familiar face, greets her as she watches the carnel event with an evil smile. Meanwhile her younger sister, Miku, is beset by strange phone calls... Followed by perverted demands.
DVD Features: Photo Gallery, Trailers.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.
Sometimes mis-identified as UPC 645721561524
(added on 2010-02-03)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Black Mail II - The Animation (OAV)