Perfect Blue [The Essence of Anime] (DVD)

Volume: DVD
Running time: 83
Distributor: Manga Entertainment
Release date: 2007-09-04
Suggested retail price: $19.97
Age rating: NR
SKU: M-5030
UPC: 013138503091
Pop singer Mima Kirigoe looks forward to a bright new career when she quits her chart-topping trio to become an actress. When she lands a role in a sexually-charged murder mystery, Mima's life begins to fall apart. Reality and hallucinations merge into a terrifying world where innocence is lost and dreams become nightmares.
Quickly decending into a dangerous state of paranoid delusions, Mima watches as Internet sites appear describing every intimate detail of her life. She is helpless and afraid as her associates are threatened and killed by a mysterious stalker.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English Subtitles.
(added on 2009-05-29, modified on 2013-07-11)
- Encyclopedia information about Perfect Blue (movie)