Teru Teru x Shōnen (GN 6)
Title: Teru Teru x Shōnen
Volume: GN 6
Pages: 192
Distributor: CMX Manga
Release date: 2009-12-29
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 1401221149
ISBN-13: 9781401221140
Shinobu's relationship with the ninja Saizo is changing. Are they shifting from lady and protector to something a lot more equal... and way more romantic? Shinobu's mom warns her to back off, but her teacher Shogo is a bit more open-minded. Meanwhile, someone's got a security tape that shows the young couple in an affectionate embrace and Saizo's determined to keep it suppressed.
Story and art by Shigeru Takao.
(added on 2009-05-05, modified on 2009-05-05)
- Encyclopedia information about Teru Teru × Shōnen (manga)