Teru Teru x Shōnen (GN 5)
Title: Teru Teru x Shōnen
Volume: GN 5
Pages: 192
Distributor: CMX Manga
Release date: 2009-06-02
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 1401221130
ISBN-13: 9781401221133
It seems misfortune surrounds Sasuke wherever he goes, which is precisely why Shinobu's family has blacklisted this troublemaker and his brother Nozomi. Despite strict instructions not to see Sasuke, Shinobu - accompanied by her ever-loyal ninja protector Saizo - runs away to do just that. But when they instead fall prey to a trap set by kidnappers, will Saizo be able to save his lifelong friend?
Story and art by Shigeru Takao.
(added on 2009-04-19, modified on 2009-04-19)
- Encyclopedia information about Teru Teru × Shōnen (manga)